
April 8, 2019

Empathize Your Parent’s Day while Applying Systems Thinking

Your children will have to think like systems thinkers and also explore design thinking approach.
March 28, 2019

Design Your Living Room with Your Little Interior Designer

Instead of designing the living room yourself, invite your children to be a part of it and share their fresh and big ideas with you.
March 20, 2019

Organize Clean Dishes Computationally

The STEM way of organizing clean dishes
March 20, 2019

Fastest Line at the Supermarket

When you are checking out after your grocery run with your kid, have some fun with Performance Modeling.
March 14, 2019

Sinking or Floating while Thinking Systemically

Your children will make decisions whether different objects sink or float.
March 5, 2019

Clean Your Room Computationally

A clean room through sequential, systematic thinking.
February 28, 2019

Using the Iceberg Diagram for Eating Issue for Dinner

Your children will be able to understand the connectedness of eating so much food in the linner time.
February 23, 2019

Family Tree of Emotion Code

Allow your children to discover their emotions while coding.
February 18, 2019

Keep the Environment Green with Your Little One

Your children will know how to take good actions to tackle climate change and keep the environment green.
February 10, 2019

Backseat code driver

Your child becomes the GPS -- and they need think computationally to give you the right instructions to get you to your destination.
February 10, 2019

Listen your child’s day while applying systems thinking

Let your child express his/her emotions
February 5, 2019

Machine Learning: Fruit and Vegetable Labeling

Grocery shopping with your little one to teach data labeling
February 5, 2019

Planting a Garden as a Little Computational Gardener

Let your child become computational gardener while planting a garden.
February 5, 2019

Making Salad for Your Guests

Design thinking while enjoying yummy salad.
February 2, 2019

The Merge Sort Algorithm Birthday Party

Arrange and order things (or, in this case, party guests) by comparing ages via the Merge Sort Algorithm.
February 2, 2019

Computational Thinking Approach to Language Learning

Help your child learn new words computationally.
December 29, 2018

Make Your Own Elephant tutorial: draw, pattern + construct!

Make a lovely, cushy creature using the design process + patterns!
December 27, 2018

Go Design Thinking while Empathizing Your Parents

Allow your child to make a little bit sense of your feelings, memories, and mental models to sketch.
December 14, 2018

Data-driven License Plate Game on Your Fun Trip

Allow your child to discover what state you are in while collecting and analyzing state plates’ symbols, colors, or slogans.
December 11, 2018

Think Logically While Organizing Your Dishes

When your dishes are ready to organize, let your child sort them and then find the right places to put.