Systems Thinking Activities

Teach Systems Thinking to Your Kids

Help your child to think comprehensively, holistically, and creatively about big, long-term challenges.

The Key Stems Thinking Mindsets

  • Loops: Sequencing events into interrelated loops, showing how one thing affects another
  • Embrace Complexity: Rather than simplify a problem area to a few factors or one person's point of view, think systematically about many different factors, dynamics, and stakeholders
  • Pattern Making: see what factors contribute to what outcome, and how they relate to each other in groups and analogies
  • Diagramming and Mapping: make it clear how events inter-relate, by presenting them in visual sequences, so that you can see patterns and identify opportunities.
  • Holistic View: understand how different people think about the same challenge, to take account of divergent points of view, and figure out how to reconcile them.

Systems Thinking Activities