What types of skills are needed to thrive in the future economy based on World Economic Forum?

Future-Proofing Your Child for Success in the Coming Economy
January 1, 2018
An Interview with Parents
October 21, 2018

Computational, Design and Systems thinking are core mindsets that jobs of the future are calling for.

A ‘job of the future’ is one where there is increased demand, as opposed to jobs of the past which are facing reduced demand. Your child could end up landing one of these jobs (like in Robotics or Machine Learning) at some point—if your child starts working toward it today.

According to the World Economic Forum report and What are the 21st-century skills every student needs? article skills every child needs are around solving complex problems with creativity. For this need, there are components of computational thinking, design thinking and systems thinking, which is why we have made them a focus in Stem Family.

The future jobs of 21 century need creativity, thinking critically and solving problems to thrive in increasingly complex futures.

If you are interested in the full statistics, check out the reports at The Future of Jobs report and What are the 21st-century skills every student needs? article.